I had to transfer k-ecommerce customer data to magento. I created csv file according to magento customer data upload csv that I got from data profile -> export customer profile. But there was a problem to encrypt password to match with magento. I googled and found this. I will share with others for their reference. Thanks Edward // Change the paths according to your environment require_once 'app/Mage.php'; umask(0); $app = Mage::app('default'); // Instantiate the core encryption model $obj = Mage::getModel('core/encryption'); // Instantiate the core helper $helper = Mage::helper('core'); //Set the encryptions helper $obj->setHelper($helper); // Get the password's hash $enc_pwd = $obj->getHash($pwd, 2); // To validate password, use this. It will return 1 if it is correct echo $obj->validateHash($pwd, $enc_pwd);