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Simple Email validation regular Expression for Javascript

Following regular expression will validate emails.   var re = /^ [ A-Z0-9a-z \. _+ ] +@ [ A-Za-z0-9 \. - ] + \.([ A-Za-z ]{2,4}) $/ ; re . test ( value ); We will discuss above regular expression part by part. Examples - part1@part2.part3 1. 2. 3. ^ ==> Start of the expression Part1 [ A-Z0-9a-z \. _+ ] +  ==> There can be many of  A-Z upper case characters, a-z lower case characters, 0-9 numbers, dots and plus signs. @ ==> There must be @ sign after first part of the email Part2 [ A-Za-z0-9 \. - ] + ==> After @ sign there can be same kind of character sets as part 1 (part 2 of email) \. ==> There must be dot character before 3rd part of the email. It should be properly escaped. That is why we use backslash (\) Part3 ([ A-Za-z ]{2,4}) ==> There are must be two to four characters({2,4})including  A-Z upper case characters or a-z lower case characters.  Curly brackets specify the range of characters. So, 2 is minimum num